How does it work?

  1. Click on ‘Upload your logo here’.
  2. Choose an image from your photo file. (For a logo, it is best to use a PNG file).
  3. Wait until you see the image on your phone.
  4. Click on ‘Add to cart’.
  5. Fill in your details.
  6. Make the payment.
  7. The code will be sent to your email address.
  8. Go to Google Play or App Store and download the Petrollo app.
  9. Fill in the price per litre of petrol.
  10. Open the menu in the app.
  11. Click on ‘enter the code’ and fill in your code.
  12. Your image will appear in the app.
  13. Turn on the app while you are driving and see the savings when you let your car roll out.