Cleaner and more economical driving

With your app and logo always in view!

When approaching a traffic light or roundabout, let your car roll out earlier and therefore further. This reduces CO2 emissions and saves fuel. The app shows how much. Rolling out is good for the environment and your wallet.

But for €9.99 you can buy your own code that allows you to put an image in the app..
When others download the Petrollo app and enter your code, they will see your image.
An effective way to stand out!

In winkelmand

Frequently Asked Questions

What is freewheeling with a car?

Freewheeling is an effective way to limit CO2 emissions from cars. When you see that you have to stop or drive more slowly, you switch to neutral gear. You drive but the engine uses much less fuel than normal. The result is that the engine therefore emits much less CO2. A saving of 20 to 30% is possible! An additional advantage is the reduced fuel consumption. That saves money!

What is the principle of freewheeling based on?

When freewheeling in neutral gear, the car uses kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is a form of energy that an object has in itself because it moves. The mass and speed of the object determine the amount of kinetic energy. The car has mass (weight) and has speed due to driving. So you use the stored kinetic energy when you freewheel.

Will all systems continue to function while freewheeling in neutral gear?

Yes, all systems continue to function, the brakes, the power steering, the clutch etc. After all, you also switch 'over neutral' to a higher or lower gear?

Why freewheel in neutral gear?

You can freewheel in gear, but then your car comes to a halt fairly quickly. It is true that there is no fuel consumption then. In neutral gear, however, you make more 'freewheel' meters. The engine then uses very little fuel. Thanks to the longer freewheel distance, fuel consumption drops considerably.

Does the traffic behind you suffer from freewheeling cars?

No, thanks to the existing speed and the weight of the car, the speed decreases very gradually. And before you start freewheeling, you check the traffic behind you. So you drive much more alert.

Why does the app not register when the speed exceeds 70 km/hrs?

The Petrollo app has been developed for use within city areas. The maximum speed there is 80 km / hour and freewheeling is more rewarding thanks to the many stop points such as roundabouts and red traffic lights.

How does the app work?

When the car freewheels in neutral gear, the speed gradually decreases. With the help of the GPS satellite, the Petrollo app records the freewheel distance. The app calculates the reduced CO2 emissions and fuel savings via the built-in patented algorithm. The numbers are actual while you drive, shown in the app on your smartphone.

Accelerator is a money pump

If you freewheel with your car, the app shows how much money it saves. Taking your foot off the accelerator yields money! Because your car becomes kind of a soapbox. That also means that freewheeling makes you accelerate more relaxed. The the accelerator is a money pump. Accelerating too powerful means that your banknotes fly out of your exhaust pipe !

Cruise Control

When you drive on Cruise Control the app also registrates the savings because the fuel is injected in a more efficient way.



    The Petrollo app is developed to create CO2 awareness amongst drivers worldwide.
    Driving in a  CO2 and fuel costs reducing way is more fun and adds responsibility with your favourite picture in sight.
    The Petrollo app is designed to limit CO2 emissions from cars in a fun, effective and lucrative way. The app is not a measuring instrument but a means to raise awareness about CO2 emissions. It indicates and motivates.

    Roll out


    Stop moment

    Check the traffic in the front and behind you.
    You will always be more alert and therefore it’s more safe!


    Switch to neutral

    All systems continue to function, power steering, brakes, etc.


    Roll out

    Thanks to the speed and weight of your car, the speed decreases very gradually. You therefore do not hinder the traffic.